Täna said mitmed riigiasutused ja ettevõtted sellise võltsitud e-kirja NATO küberkaitse koostöökeskuselt.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to inform you that NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence conducted an information security audit of the network infrastructureof your organization. It was carried out as part of exercise Steadfast Jazz 2013. Our specialists have obtained access to theprivate network and the administration panel of the website of your organization. The level of information security of your organization does not meet the requirements of NATO cyber security guidelines. It is strongly recommended that you pay attention to this fact. For more information you should contact NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.
Col. Artur Suzik
Director,NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
Phone: +3727176800Fax: +3727176308Adress: Filtri tee 12, Tallinn 10132, Estonia
Seotud lood
Arvutipargi renditeenus on mugav, säästlik ja (tuleviku)kindel. Green IT tegevjuht Asko Pukk usub, et ettevõtete äriline fookus peab alati olema enda põhitegevusel, sektoril, mida teatakse peensusteni, et olla konkurentidest paremad – just selleks vajaliku aja ja raha renditeenus vabastab.